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3 Month Life Coaching
  • 3 Month Life Coaching

    3 Month Life Coaching Experience: Transform your life with my 3 Month Coaching experience. Over the course of 12 weekly 1-hour Zoom calls, you and I will have the opportunity to deep dive into personal development, wealth building through multiple assets classes, eliminating vices such as drugs and alcohol, and learning the different mindset & strategies between the lower, middle, and upper class.

    In addition to the coaching calls, you will also receive a lifetime membership to my exclusive network, "The Wolves Den," valued at $800/year. With my personal phone number and vast network, you'll have the guidance and support you need to make lasting changes in your life. This personalized coaching experience is perfect for anyone looking to make significant improvements in their life and develop a strong foundation for personal growth, all curated by myself specifically for you. Below I’ve listed examples of the topics to be covered, varying based on your personal goals and situation in life:


    - 1 Hour Weekly Zoom Call (12 total)


    - Lifetime Membership To “The Wolves Den” ($800 Value)


    - Focus on Personal Development and removing all Vices such as Alcohol, Weed, etc…


    -Small Business Guidance/Structuring


    - Building a Credit System, Improving Credit+ Explaining The True Purpose of Credit.


    - Retirement Account Set-up


    - Index Fund Investing vs Individual Stock Picking.

    -Growth Stocks vs Value Stocks.


    -Treasury Bills vs I-Bonds

    - Advanced Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets from an institutional point of view (Stocks, Options, Forex, etc…)


    - Roadmap to acquiring your first Real Estate Investment and more...


    I will be teaching you all about everything I know in a way that a 10 year old can understand it. I only teach what I personally do, and I’m not going to do anything for you. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme… this is a program designed to increase your knowledge of essential wealth builders, and fix your mindset which ultimately leads to a better life.

    You must put in the work in order to get there & I want to be the one to guide you.

    Let’s work.

      $2,500.00 Regular Price
      $1,500.00Sale Price
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